Friday, March 30, 2007

Bday update :)

Hi all..

Heres my bday update.. well i am late but not too late technically as i post it. .I am still in MARCH :)

So here it is right from the source.. Day started with phone calls from family.. mama, mami , cousins and friends.. and then AAI called :) making it just a perfect beginning...

It was a friday so had to go to work .. at work all my friends at work had decorated my desk with flowers chocolates and a dear friend even had a lovely gift for me.. which is currently occupying my office desk and add a bit of color and life to the brown cream cubicle of mine ;) Thanks dear ...
Then all the other friends wished me greeted me.. I got one more gift from other friends just making the day better and special.. ( in the mean while i guess my phone never stopped ringing. .and infact the wishes rolled over to the next day as some friends and fly couldnt get the free at all.. )
Towards the evening V had all my cousins come over home.. and he took all of us out for dinner :) a wonderful surprise absolutely loved it :) Thanks V ... ;)
I guess I am glad that God made Birthdays.. the best part it on that day you get to know that there are so many people in this world who care , who love and really want to make you feel special and let you know it :)

This one is for all of them who are a part of my life and contributing in making it a great one.. I love you all just as much and each one of you is dear to me.. and have a shade of yours in me due to your friendship, love , fun , jokes, sad days comfort, just listening to everything when things go wrong and all you want is to be hear.. Love you all.. LIFE ROCKS THANKS TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY ............... :)

Monday, March 5, 2007

The weekend story continues...

As promised here's the update on the weekend..

I had on mind something arty to do but I almost did something artistic in nature.. start sunday morning I got my room cleaned, washed .. ( i mean physically wash :) ) all the curtains from my room and another bedroom ..
cleaned the kitchen .. and then actually rearranged how our living room looked like.. :) so it was sure something arty but not actually how it was planned to be .. but never the less I feel good that i actually did something different and nice :) Now the living room nice .. ( variety is the spice of life ;) i changed my rooms curtains .. so its nice to walk into the room with a change .. and I feel good after a lot of hard work and entire family working towards making it a better place ;) rather beautiful place...

Towards the evening I went out, gave a dress material for stitching :) ( bdays around.. i am looking fwd to the dress :-) )

Thats all. for now.. this was for who read the last blog and for the promise i made of updating about my arty weekend.

P.S Painting is still on mind :) some day for sure... and I will definately upload the picture of it once its done ..

Thursday, March 1, 2007

my wish of being everywhere :-)

I get up in the morning and with my hot cup of tea, my daily TOI just got me sad..
I happened to MISS a wonderful exhibition on plants flowers and interior held in sambhaji park from 15th till 17th .. I just hated life.. thought that mom and dad should have been in town they would have surely told me about it.. and even managed to take me along with them.. else the next day i could imagine mom calling me.. telling me all about it.. upto such an extent that i already start feeling that i missed something great and i manage to be there.. the very evening.. ( i still havent mentioned the flowers & the plants she would have bought :) and let me tell you TOI has such nice pictures of it in the supplement part does make you feel bad...)

Yes, by now, you know it.. that I am a total fan of flowers plants.. interiors and all stuff that makes a place feel beautiful...

so then i keep wondering what the hell was I doing then.. and here are the details..

15 feb 07 : Mom Dad wedding aniv.. and my neice nikhitas bday (thats my bro;s kiddo) but everyone is in sydney currently enjoying some great showers.. yes the world is different out there in terms of weather ..can you imagine they are almost close to freezing temp when we are baking in hot ovens.. and trying all possible ways in the world to stay COOL ..anyways back to the point.. so morning started with calls to sydney.. then rushing to work .. a few meetings and then normal day .. and then the evening visited hospital.. my bro's MIL not well..

16th just passed by me doing almost nothing significant in terms of work and my life as well. thinking of which I hate life.. I could have seeen the EXHIBITION ..ehhhhhhh

17th was packed already in the weekend mood ... lets start with the evening (as i am working on 1st adn 3rd sats :( ) for a change hubby comes home in time and I am late from work .. but yet me manage to go some place . Yes weekend begins..

18th Feb i managed to shop 2 formal shirts and 2 Tees.. sunday evening pryamids .. well they are my bday gifts.. which is for a change shopped in well advance :) i am excited already...

In between from 19th till 23rd nothing great happened .. work home work .. and then comes the weekend..yes some how life does seen beautiful towards sats :) hahhaa

this sat being off.. i and hubby went for a few "to do" things in the morning.. evening I shopped 2 pairs of metro shoes.. haha yes there was SALE.. and i got them so cheap that i cant stop flaunting them.. and then the price.. haha

then sat night was coffee out.. me V and one of my bro in law.. it was wonderful coffeee.. talks good music.. we hanged around till 12 in the night finally heading back home.. but i guess i had too much of coffee I lost my sleep :( and was awake reading anything that comes my way with the hope that i shall doze off soon .. were as V was sleeping like a baby the morning he had no clue that i was wide awake reading .. which means the light did go ON ;)

anyways sunday morning started as early as 7 :) got ready to attend a wedding.,. wore a sari from my wedding which I had never wore after the day :) so after almost 1.4 yr.. i managed to fit in the blouse which is a pat to myself..

A dear friend from my colony was getting married and we happened to be in the same school same class.. so met so many old friends.. V, i am sure got bored but i am glad he didnt complain.. met everyones family .. we all got nostalgic.. it was wonderful..

then .. visited one of V's aunt .. :) ( balancing act ) and then headed straight to watch honeymon travels was a good one.. we could laugh for most of the parts of the movie..

then headed to shoppers stop was family shopping day :) but i was nice to our pocket and got nothing :) were as V equalled it for me.. by buying almost half of the shop in the name of i dont have new clothes, they are on SALE !!! ...I am bore with what i wear .. hahha and so on .. not that i was complaining .I guess guilt gives ways to such explanations but that was cool ..
then heading to a resturant..( as I was left with no energy to cook after such a hectic day .. and talking does tire you, beleive me ) the HAPPENING 2 DAY LONG WEEKEND WAS OVER .alas..

week begins.. work home work.. but i am looking fwd to the weekend.. i want to do something arty this weekend.. either paint or sketch or stitch :) I am all set for it ....

Will update you guys how my art work idea actually came into reality ...